NUTRIZEN is a Diet and Yoga firm created by Dietitian Janki Chauhan in the year 2016. Our vision is to give our Nation a healthy and disease free community through cultivating Diet and Yoga as an everyday routine of each and every individual. We are dealing with PERSONALIZED and CORPORATE nutrition programs.
We provide Online / Offline Diet services followed by Whatsapp / Phone Calls / Emails at interval of 10 days which includes 10 days Diet and workout schedule. All Diet plans are completely science based to fulfill your nutritional needs. 


DIET means eating different kind of foods that complies with nutrients - Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Fibers, Minerals, Vitamins, Antioxidants, Phytonutrients and Water in a proportion to meet the requirements of the body. Dieting is always behavioural and lifestyle modification through adopting healthy changes in life and not to run behind temporary health goals or targets.


Word YOGA has been derived from the Sanskrit word YUG which means joint or unite. Yoga is a science of well being and integrating a balance between MIND, BODY and SOUL. Yoga is not a work-out, it's a work-in. If you have a bad telecommunication system you get sick, then yoga helps to fix it.


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